Exam Proctoring Policy

As part of the Atchison Public Library’s commitment to lifelong learning, we offer proctoring services for written and online examinations. Students taking online courses from local colleges, students enrolled in distance-learning programs, and adults taking exams for employment testing or job recertification can make use of the test proctoring services. A valid library card is not required.

Responsibilities of the Student

  • The student will provide the necessary forms and contact information for the instructor and/or institution.
  • The student will show photo ID to confirm identity.
  • The student should schedule the exam at least 48 hours in advance. Tests may only be scheduled during the hours the library is open.
  • If the test in online, the student must verify that the necessary hardware and software are available if using the Library’s public computer workstations. No special software can be installed to allow for the test.
  • If photocopying, printing or faxing is necessary, the student is responsible for the cost of doing so at the posted rate.

Responsibilities of the Proctor

  • Library staff will proctor tests but we do not guarantee constant supervision or a quiet environment.
  • All librarians can serve as proctors, regardless of which staff member made the initial arrangements.
  • Proctoring services will be provided by librarians as scheduling allows.
  • The Library will not be liable for any costs or fees associated with an exam, including mailing costs.
  • When the institution requests that the completed test be physically mailed back to them, the library will also scan and email the completed test to ensure receipt by the school. Tests to be mailed will be placed in the library’s outgoing mail bin for pickup on the next business day.


Reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on March 25, 2024