About the Library Board of Directors
The Atchison Library Board of Trustees is a volunteer group of seven community members appointed by the Atchison City Commission. Each member serves a four-year term, and together the Board is responsible for creating policy and providing personnel and resources for the operation of the library.

The Kansas Public Library Trustee Handbook (2015) outlines the full responsibilities of the Board of Trustees. The Board’s basic responsibilities are listed at the bottom of this page. Day-to-day operations are managed by the Library Director. The Atchison Library follows the Board/Director Governance Model.

The Board meets on the fourth Monday of every month at 6:00PM in the Kansas Room or the library’s lower level. No meeting is held in December.

​All Board meetings are open to the public, and operate in accordance with the Kansas Open Meetings Act (KOMA) and Kansas Open Records Act (KORA). A brief overview of KOMA and KORA can be found here.

Who is on the Board?
Charlie Peitsch, President (term expires 4/30/25)
Dr. Julie Bowen, Vice President (term expires 4/30/26)
Michelle Wilson (term expires 4/30/28)
Ryan Pickman, (term expires 4/30/28)
Nora McCrory (McClintock) Treasurer, (term expires 4/30/25)
Lara Mortensen, Secretary (term expires 4/30/26)
Gordon Myers (term expires 4/30/27)

La Rochelle Young, Mayor of Atchison

How do I contact the Board?
Send an email to board@atchisonlibrary.org
Send a letter or note to the library’s physical address to the board president’s attention
Attend a board meeting

How can I serve on the Board?

Most Board openings occur in April and will be advertised in several places, including the Atchison Globe, City website, library website, and social media. Contact the City Clerk at 913-367-5500 for application details.

What does the Board do?

  1. Employs a qualified library director and works for sufficient financial support to provide a qualified staff
  2. Ensures good working conditions and benefits for library staff members, opportunities for training and development and recognition of of staff achievements
  3. Determines and adopts written policies to govern the operation and programs of the library
  4. Knows the community and makes sure the library’s programs reflect the community’s needs
  5. Creates and monitors short and long range priorities for the library and secures adequate funds to implement the library’s objectives
  6. Supports and participates in planned programs to market the library’s services to the community
  7. Works for adequate financial support for the library, advocating for public support and participating in fundraising efforts
  8. Assists in the preparation of the library budget and defends it at budget hearings
  9. Monitors and finances the care of library facilities
  10. Plans appropriately for library automation
  11. Attends board meetings and makes sure accurate records are kept of all board proceedings and actions
  12. Knows local and state laws that impact the library and actively supports needed library legislation
  13. Is aware of the services of the Kansas State Library, the Kansas Library Association, and the Northeast Kansas Library System