Surplus Property Policy

Books, DVDs, and other library collection materials that are withdrawn will be given to the Friends of the Atchison Library for sale or other means of disposal at their discretion, with the exception of the materials given to other libraries for their collection.

All library office and computer equipment, furniture, and other tangible property that is removed permanently from service will be disposed of by one of the following means:

  1. Advertised for sale, at a price determined by the Library Director, through the State of Kansas Library listserv, the NEKLS listserv, in an Atchison Daily Globe classified advertisement, or on social media, or any combination of these at the discretion of the Library Director.
  2. Given away at no charge to an appropriate not-for-profit agency, including other libraries.
  3. Sold through an auction service, including online auction sites.

No items or materials with historic value, including any item from the Kansas Room, will be removed from the library without the approval of the Board of Trustees.

If removed equipment, furniture, etc. is determined by the Library Director to be severely damaged or obsolete, or of little or no intrinsic value, it may be discarded via the City of Atchison trash service.





Approved by the Atchison Library Board of Trustees on May 21, 2024.